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Front Line Forces: Smoking Cessation

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The purpose of these modules is to further the individual’s learning and build on their current knowledge about assessing smoking safety, the effects of thirdhand smoke and how to help their patients cease tobacco use in all forms. After watching the series, what the care worker knows and how they use that information will improve the quality and safety of the patients they care for.

Access resources for all Smoking Cessation modules.
Read important information for supervisors.

The 5 A’s Intervention for Tobacco Cessation

After watching the video, The 5 A’s Intervention for Tobacco Cessation, take the quiz to test your knowledge.

Smoking Safety for Patients

After watching the above video, Smoking Safety for Patients, take the quiz to test your knowledge.

Thirdhand Smoke in Health Care Settings


Access these resources for more information.

The 5 A’s Intervention for Tobacco Cessation
Five Major Steps to Intervention – The 5A’s
This document presents a five-step framework for effective intervention, guiding health care providers in addressing patient needs.

View more Front Line Forces modules.

Front Line Forces